oh, so.. new obsession.. yay, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! well, that's definetly a good show and it's really a pity that it'sbeen unofficially cancelled! we have to keep fighting!!!! (informations below) for the interpretation of this video.. well i don't really know.. It's based on Kahlan power and her feelings for Richard and how they entwine togheter.. when she's worried or defenseless she frees her power..... she can feel it as a drumming noise...=) that's mosty what this video is about... hope you
Update: This just won at VegasCon 2016! So excited, thank you so much, guys!! DISCLAIMER: This video is a tribute to Dean Winchester and I thought the idea would be funny.
Can you hear my voice this time? tumblr: http://niyalune.tumblr.com/post/127734947
2024 PREVIEW VIDEO COMING NEW YEAR'S EVE! Captions/headphones are encouraged ____
Watch in HD, please. I really loved do this video with this song. It's my song. A
Starsky & Hutch tribute - Overview, a lot of action and a bit of everything else.
The Karate Kid fanvid. ...And we learned so much more than just karate. Source: Kar
Source: James Bond films: Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall Music: Supremac